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Payola--practice of paying a DJ to play a record

Common tactics used by record promoters:

Payola Investigation

Harris Subcommittee on Legislative Oversight opened an investigation into the legality of payola, publishing a memo on 11/14/59 ... resulting in a list of "Forbidden Practices," including the following ...

Forbidden Practices:

Alan Freed was fired a week later by both his radio & TV shows!!

Harris Subcommittee Hearings Begin (12/7/59)

Two Congressional Bills Introduced:

"Tip" O'Neill (Boston)--relayed that talking to delegates to a White House Youth Conference had convinced him that "American youth must be safeguarded from the demoralizing effects of payola and 'a type of sensuous music unfit for impressionable minds'" (Ward, Stokes, & Tucker, 1986, p. 213)

Dick Clark had been called to appear in April 1959:

Freed Fiasco

FCC introduces Rule 317

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